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DNS and Name Servers Print

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Oso Grande operates both authoritative and recursing/resolving name servers.

Authoritative Name Servers

If you are hosting a domain with Oso Grande, you will need to work with your registrar to configure your domain to use the following servers:

Role name alias IP Address
Primary Authoritative auth1.osogrande.com ns1.osogrande.com
Secondary Authoritative auth2.osogrande.com ns2.osogrande.com



Recursive/Resolving Name Servers

These servers can be used to provide DNS resolution for your computers, servers, users, or as a DNS forward for your name server. These servers are very fast, and provide a reliable, on-net DNS resolving option. We use 'em, you should too!

Colorado Springs

Role name IP Address
Primary Recursor ns3.osogrande.net
Secondary Recursor ns4.osogrande.net

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